
Innovative personal finance products demo prep

1,503 bytes added, 01:34, 6 January 2007
== India: Overview ==

=== Overall economy ===
=== Demographic dividend ===
=== Education ===
=== Personal income ===

=== Ideas ===
==== Investing abroad ====

== Loan ==

=== Trends ===
==== Aspirational society (society turning aspirational) ====
* Picture: How many homes have a....
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==== Lack of public education ====
* Picture: Children in immaculate school uniform...
* Text:

==== Expensive weddings ====

==== Gold ====

==== Microfinance ====

=== Ideas ===

==== Education loans ====
* Tie up with educational institutions INCLUDING primary schools

==== Wedding loans ====

==== Streamlining microfinance ====

==== Loans based on gold ====

== Insurance ==

=== Trends ===

==== Aspirational society ====
* Picture: How many homes have a...
* Text:

==== No medical coverage ====
* Picture:
* Text:

==== Increasing savings rate ====
* Picture:
* Text:

=== Ideas ===

==== Insurance as a saving vehicle ====
* Picture:
* Text:

== Credit ==

=== Trends ===

==== Increasing savings rate ====
* Picture:
* Text:

==== Increasing purchasing power ====

==== Rural demand for credit ====

==== Remittances ====

==== COD (???)====

==== Growth in retail ====

=== Ideas ===

==== Debit cards ====
* Picture:
* Text: Linked to checking accounts

==== Mobile ATM ====
* Picture
* Text:

==== Credit cards linked to US accounts ====
* Credit cards in India based on credit-rating of NRI

==== COD for online shopping (???) ====

==== Retail store cards ====