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Alopecia - Hair Loss

46 bytes removed, 07:33, 10 May 2006
/* GSK3 inhibition by pryazole pyrimidine amine derivatives */
=== GSK3 inhibition by pryazole pyrimidine amine derivatives ===
Pyrimidine derivative of Pyrazole Used in Alopecia
'''Patent Number''': US6989385
'''Basic Structure''':
'''Derivatives of pyrimidine-pyrazole amine disclosed in the patent:'''
'''Basic Structure'''
'''Derivatives of pyrimidine-pyrazole amine disclosed in the patent:'''
'''Basic Structure''':
'''Derivatives of pyrimidine-pyrazole amine disclosed in the patent:'''
'''Basic Structure''':
'''Derivatives of pyrimidine-pyrazole amine disclosed in the patent:'''
'''Basic Structure''':
'''Derivatives of pyrimidine-pyrazole amine disclosed in the patent:'''