

4,611 bytes added, 11:43, 26 July 2009
[ Acai] - Acai is one of the richest sources of anthocyanins in the world, substances known to be powerful free radical scavengers.
<li> Increases Energy;
<li> Improves Digestion;
<li> Improves Concentration;
<li> Promotes Restful Sleep;
<li> Provides ALL the Required Vitamins;
<li> Variety of Vital Minerals;
<li> Powerful Free Radical Killer;
<li> High Levels of Fibers;
<li> Cleanses and Detoxifies;
<li> Strengthens the Immune System;
<li> Improves Sexual Drive and Function;
<li> Combats Cancer Cells;
<li> Fights Premature Aging;
<li> Promotes Healthy and Beautiful-Looking Skin;
<li> Enhances Heart Function;
<li> Improves Diabetic Condition.
<h3>Drug name</h3>
<h3>Drug Uses</h3>
Acai is one of the richest sources of anthocyanins in the world, substances known to be powerful free radical scavengers.
<li> Increases Energy;
<li> Improves Digestion;
<li> Improves Concentration;
<li> Promotes Restful Sleep;
<li> Provides ALL the Required Vitamins;
<li> Variety of Vital Minerals;
<li> Powerful Free Radical Killer;
<li> High Levels of Fibers;
<li> Cleanses and Detoxifies;
<li> Strengthens the Immune System;
<li> Improves Sexual Drive and Function;
<li> Combats Cancer Cells;
<li> Fights Premature Aging;
<li> Promotes Healthy and Beautiful-Looking Skin;
<li> Enhances Heart Function;
<li> Improves Diabetic Condition.
<h3>How Taken</h3>
As a dietary supplement, take 1 to 4 daily, with or without food.
<h3>Drug Class and Mechanism</h3>
Acai is a rich source of anthocyanins and other phenolics. Anthocyanins are compounds that have potent antioxidant activity, allowing for the neutralization of potentially harmful free radicals. By neutralizing these free radicals, anthocyanins from Acai may serve to maintain the healthy function of numerous systems and organs. Some of the anthocyanins that have been found in Acai include cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-glucoside-coumarate. Other phenolics include catechin and epi-catechin (the same compounds in green tea), quercetin derivatives and other flavonoids. It is likely that the synergistic effects of these compounds as present in acai fruit are responsible for its potent antioxidant activities.
<h3>Missed Dose</h3>
If you miss a dose of Acai, take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take 2 doses at once.
Store Acai at room temperature, between 68 and 77 degrees F (20 and 25 degrees C). Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Keep Acai out of the reach of children and away from pets.
<h3>Warnings Precautions</h3>
You should not use this medication if you are allergic to Saw Palmetto, or have certain conditions. Be sure your doctor knows if you have:
<li> a bleeding or blood clotting disorder (such as hemophilia);
<li> stomach ulcer with active bleeding; or
<li> ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
Before taking saw palmetto, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, herbalist, or other healthcare provider. You may not be able to use this product if you have:
<li> liver disease;
<li> heart disease;
<li> a heart rhythm disorder;
<li> a history of stomach ulcer; or
<li> asthma or other breathing disorder.
Do not take saw palmetto without telling your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. Saw palmetto may be harmful to an unborn baby. It is not known whether saw palmetto passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not use this product without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without the advice of a doctor.
<h3>Possible Side Effects</h3>
This product contains only 100% pure pharmaceutical grade ingredients and is regularly tested to ensure the safety and quality. Each ingredient has been approved as safe by the FDA and all appear on the FDAs GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list.
<h3>More Information</h3>
Acai is a potent, freeze-dried form of Acai fruit. Ripe Acai fruits that grow wild in the Amazon are harvested at their peak. The skin and pulp are separated from their seeds and dried in a unique freeze-drying process that preserves the wholesome goodness of the entire fruit, including the important anthocyanins. This ensures that Acai retains beneficial antioxidant properties, which serve to promote cellular heal.

<H2>Site:</H2> [ Acai]
[[Category:General Health]]