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Our project has successfully made it to the final five of in two categories of the prestigious PacktPub open source CMS (content management systems) awards. This year Joomla! is nominated in the Overall Winner and Best PHP Open Source CMS. We were fortunate enough to win the top prize last year.

Vote for Joomla! as OVERALL WINNER here.

Vote for Joomla! as BEST PHP OPEN SOURCE CMS here.

Since Joomla! won last year we've seen some huge advancements in our framework, with Beta and Release Candidate versions of our re-factored Joomla! 1.5. Joomla! can claim to have on of the largest user bases in the CMS world, with millions of installations on sites ranging from the United Nations, to Porsche to zillions of hobby sites. The flexibility and ease-of-use is what makes Joomla! so appealing to users. With 1.5 stable on the horizon, the future is looking even stronger for Joomla!

See what some independent UK technologists think about Joomla! 1.5.

Once again, thanks to PacktPub for creating a buzz and investing in the open source community as a whole. All projects benefit from Packt's interest and support.

Joomla! 1.5 RC2 Endeleo Released - Happy Birthday Joomla! Saturday, 01 September 2007 Joomla! 1.5 RC2 [codename: Endeleo] is now available for download. What better way to celebrate our 2nd Birthday! We chose Endeleo as the codename for this release candidate as it is Swahili for 'development, growth, progress ... improvement'. Highly appropriate we feel.

It is roughly five weeks after the RC1 release and we have made major improvements in certain areas of the 1.5 codebase. Time to share another RC with the community. Some improvements and areas of changes are listed below:

北京短信群发[ Router refactoring solving a range of bugs Media Manager refactoring, moving this to MVC standards Updated scripts (version); mootools, tinyMCE, Xstandard Core template improvements Template language installer support 北京短信群发 ... and of course a lot more

Note: due to the Router refactoring th北京短信群发ere will be known issues with SEF url's.

Important, you need to upgrade! In the 北京短信群发current RC1 we found three security issues, one SQL injection, one XSS, and a few full path disclosure vulnerabilities. Those security issues are solved in the new release.

Where we go from here: as you might have 北京短信群发read on a recent blog, we will have at least one more Release Candidate (RC3) and hope to move to a Stable release from there on. Read more...