This report presents a brief summary about introduction to wind energy and present day technologies available for horizontal wind turbines. A detailed taxonomy for horizontal axis wind turbines is presented covering parts of the turbine, control systems, applications among others. A detailed landscape analysis of patent and non-patent literature is done with a focus on '''Doubly-fed Induction Generator Generators (DFIG)''' used in the horizontal axis wind turbines for efficient power generation. Existing The product's information of major players in the market is also compiled captured for doublyDoubly-fed induction generatorsInduction Generators. Existing market The final section of the report covers the existing and future market prediction predictions for wind energy -based power generation is presented.
[[Image:DFIG.gif|right|thumb|600px| [ DFIG Working Principle]]]
* Humans We have been using wind power for at least since 5000 BC to propel sailboats and sailing ships, and architects have used wind-driven natural ventilation in buildings since similarly ancient times. The use of wind to provide mechanical power came later.
* Harnessing renewable alternative energy is the ideal way to tackle the energy crisis, with due consideration given to environmental pollution, that looms large over the world.
In order to overcome the problems associated with fixed speed wind turbine system and to maximize the wind energy capture, many new wind farms are employing variable speed wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). It is the most popular and widely used scheme for the wind generators due to its advantages.
For variable-speed systems with limited variable-speed range, e.g. ±30% of synchronous speed, the doubly-fed induction generator(DFIG) can be an interesting solution.This is mainly due to the fact that the power electronic converter only has to handle a fraction (20-30%) of the total power as the converters are connected to the rotor and not to the stator. Therefore, the losses in the power electronic converter can be reduced, compared to a system where the converter has to handle the total power.The overall structure of wind power generation through DFIG as shown in the figure below.
= Doubly-fed Induction Generator: Search Strategy =
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|<font color="#0000FF"><u>[ F03D9/00C ]</u></font>
|Machines or engines for liquids; wind, spring, or weight motors; producing mechanical power or a reactive propulsive thrust, not otherwise provided for / Wind motors / Adaptations of wind motors for special use; Combination of wind motors with apparatus driven thereby (aspects predominantly concerning driven apparatus) / '''The apparatus being an electrical generator'''
==Thomson Innovation Search==
'''Database:''' Thomson Innovation<br>
'''Patent coverage:''' US Grant, GB AppG, US AppA, FR AppEP G, EP A, WO App, DE UtilGB A, EP GrantFR A, DE GrantG, EP AppDE A, DE AppUtil, JP UtilG, JP GrantA, JP AppUtil, CN Util, CN AppA, KR Util , KR GrantG, KR AppA, Other, DWPI<br>
'''Time line:''' 01/01/1836 to 07/03/2011
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Method of and apparatus for operating a double-fed asynchronous machine in the event of transient mains voltage changes
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|The short-circuit-like currents in the case of transient mains voltage changes lead to a corresponding air gap torque which loads the drive train and transmission lines can damages or reduces the drive train and power system equipments.
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|The method presents that the stator connecting with the network and the rotor with a converter. The converter is formed to set a reference value of an electrical amplitude in the rotor, by which a reference value of the electrical amplitude is set in the rotor after attaining a transient mains voltage change, such that the rotor flux approaches the stator flux.
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|Variable speed wind turbine with doubly-fed induction generator compensated for varying rotor speed
|The DFIG system has poor damping of oscillations within the flux dynamics due to cross coupling between active and reactive currents, which makes the system potentially unstable under certain circumstances and complicates the work of the rotor current controller. These oscillations ca damage the drive train mechanisms.
|A compensation block is arranged, which feeds a compensation control output to the rotor of the generator. The computation unit computes the control output during operation of the turbine to compensate partly for dependencies on a rotor angular speed of locations of poles of a generator transfer function, so that the transfer function is made independent of variations in the speed during operation of the turbine which eliminates the osicllations oscillations and increases the efficinecy efficiency of the wind turbine.
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|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Woodward
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Current limitation for a double-fed asynchronous machine
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Abnormal currents can damage the widings windings in the doubly- fed induction gneratorgenerator. Cntrolling Controlling these currents with the subordinate current controllers cannot be an efficient way to extract the maximum amount of active power.
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|The method involves delivering or receiving of a maximum permissible reference value of an active power during an operation of a double-fed asynchronous machine, where predetermined active power and reactive power reference values are limited to a calculated maximum permissible active and reactive power reference values, and hence ensures reliable regulated effect and reactive power without affecting the power adjustment, the rotor is electrically connected to a pulse-controlled inverter by slip rings with a static frequency changer, and thus a tension with variable amplitude and frequency is imposed in the rotor.
|Method and system of control of the converter of an electricity generation facility connected to an electricity network in the presence of voltage sags in said network
|Double-fed asynchronous generators are very sensitive to the faults that may arise in the electricity network, such as voltage sags. During the sag conditions the current which appears in said converter may reach very high values, and may even destroy it.
|During the event of a voltage sag occurring, the converter imposes a new setpoint set point current which is the result of adding to the previous setpoint set point current a new term, called demagnetizing current, It is is proportional to a value of free flow of a generator stator. A difference between a value of a magnetic flow in the stator of the generator and a value of a stator flow associated to a direct component of a stator voltage is estimated. A value of a preset calculated difference is multiplied by a factor for producing the demagnetizing current.
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|Frequency converter for a double-fed asynchronous generator with variable power output and method for its operation
|Optislip circuit with a resistor is used when speed is above synchronous speed, results in heating the resistor and thus the generator leads to limitation of operation in supersynchronous super synchronous range which results in tower fluctionsfluctuations.|Providing a back-to-back converter whic which contains the inverter circuit has direct current (DC) inputs , DC outputs, and a rotor-rectifier connected to a rotor of a dual feed asynchronous generator. A mains inverter is connected to a power grid, and an intermediate circuit connects one of the DC inputs with the DC outputs. The intermediate circuit has a semiconductor switch between the DC outputs, an intermediate circuit condenser between the DC inputs, and a diode provided between the semiconductor switch and the condenser. Thus the sysem system is allowed for any speed of wind and reduces the tower fluctuations.
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|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Hitachi
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Power converter for doubly-fed power generator system
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|During the ground faults, excess currents is induced in the secondary windings and flows into power converter connected o secondar to secondary side and may danage damage the power converter. Conventional methos methods of incresing increasing the capacity of the power cnverter converter increases system cost , degrade the system and takes time to activate the system to supply power again.|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|The generator provided with a excitation power converter connected to secondary windings of a doubly-fed generator via impedance e.g. reactor, and a diode rectifier connected in parallel to the second windings of the doubly-fed generator via another impedance. A direct current link of the rectifier is connected in parallel to a DC link of the converter. A controller outputs an on-command to a power semiconductor switching element of the converter if a value of current flowing in the power semiconductor switching element is a predetermined value or larger.
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|General Electric
|System and method of operating double fed induction generators
|Wind turbines with double fed induction generators are sensitive to grid faults.Conventional methods are not effective to reduce the shaft stress during grid faults and slow response and using dynamic vltage restoreer voltage restorer (DVR) is cost expensive.|The protection system has a controlled impedance devicesdevice.Impedance device has bidirectional semiconductors such triac, assembly of thyristors or anti-parallel thyristors. Each of the controlled impedance devices is coupled between a respective phase of a stator winding of a double fed induction generator and a respective phase of a grid side converter. The protection system also includes a controller configured for coupling and decoupling impedance in one or more of the controlled impedance devices in response to changes in utility grid voltage and a utility grid current. High impedance is offered to the grid during network faults to isolate the dual fed wind turbine generator.
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|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Gamesa Innovation
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Control and protection of a doubly-fed induction generator system
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|A AA short-circuit in the grid causes the generator to feed high stator-currents into the short-circuit and the rotor-currents increase very rapidly which cause damage to the power-electronic components of the converter connecting the rotor windings with the rotor-inverter.|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|The converter is provided with a clamping unit which is triggered from a non-operation state to an operation state, during detection of over-current in the rotor windings. The clamping unit comprises passive voltage-dependent resistor element for providing a clamping voltage over the rotor windings when the clamping unit is triggered.
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|ABB Research
|Method for controlling doubly-fed machine
|Controlling the double fed machines on the basis of inveter inverter control to implement the targets set for the machine, this model is extremely complicated and includes numerous parameters that are often to be determined.|A method is provided to use a standard scalar-controlled frequency converter for machine control. A frequency reference for the inverter with a control circuit, and reactive power reference are set for the machine. An A rotor current compensation reference is set based on reactive power reference and reactive power. A scalar-controlled inverter is controlled for producing voltage for the rotor of the machine, based on the set frequency reference and rotor current compensation reference.
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|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|<font color="#0000FF"><u>[*&searchField=Search+All Study on the Control of DFIG and it's its Responses to Grid Disturbances ]</u></font>
|align = "center" bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|01/01/06
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006. IEEE
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Presented dynamic model of the DFIG, including mechanical model, generator model, and PWM voltage source converters. Vector control strategies adapted for both the RSC and GSC to control speed and reactive power independently. controlling Control designing methods, such as pole-placement method and the internal model control are used. MatlabMATLAB/Simulink is used for simulation.
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|align = "center" bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|08/14/06
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006. IPEMC 2006. CES/IEEE 5th International
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|Proposed a new optimal control strategy of maximum wind power extraction strategies and testified by simulation. The control algorithm also used to minimize the losses in the generator. The dual passage excitation control strategy is applied to decouple the active and reactive powers. With this control system, the simulation results shows show the good robustness and high generator efficiency is achieved.
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|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|<font color="#0000FF"><u>[ Vestas]</u></font>
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|V90 Offshore
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|'''Rated Power:''' 3.0 MW, '''Frequency:''' 50 Hz/60 Hz, '''Number of Poles :''' 4-pole, '''Operating Temperature: '''-30°C to 40°
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|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|<font color="#0000FF"><u>[ Xian Geoho Energy Technology]</u></font>
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|1.5MW DFIG
|bgcolor = "#DCE6F1"|'''Rated Power:''' 1550KW, '''Rated Voltage: '''690V, '''Rated Speed: '''1755 r/min, '''Speed Range: '''975<nowiki>~</nowiki>1970 r/min, '''Number of Poles: '''4-pole, '''Stator Rated Voltage: '''690V±10%, '''Stator Rated Current: '''1115A; '''Rotor Rated Voltage: '''320V, '''Rotor Rated Current: '''430A, '''Winding Connection: '''Y / Y, '''Power Factor: '''0.95(Lead) <nowiki>~</nowiki> 0.95Lag,''' Protection Class: '''IP54, '''Insulation Class: '''H, '''Work Mode: '''S1, '''Installation ModeI: '''M B3, '''Cooling Mode: '''Air cooling, '''Weight: '''6950kg
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Source:[ Wind power companies]
==Market Overview==
* The world's wind industry defied the economic downturn in 2008 and by he end of the year 2009, the sector saw its annual market grow by 41.5% over 2008, and total global wind power capacity increased by 31.7% to 158GW in 2009.
* US, China and Germany together hold more than 50% of the global wind power capacity.
Source:[ GWEC's Global Wind Report 2009]
== Major Players ==
* [ Vestas Wind Energy Systems] and [ General Electric] are the major players in wind energy generation technology.
[[Image:wind_major_players.png|center|thumb|700px|Major Players]]
== Key Patents ==
* The key patents in the field are held by [ US Windpower], [ Oregon State] and [ Vestas Wind Energy Systems].
[[Image:wind_top_cited.png|center|thumb|700px|Key Patents]]
== IP Activity ==
* Patenting activity has seen a very high growth rate in the last two years.
[[Image:ind_pat_act_3.png|center|thumb|700px|IP Activity]]
== Geographical Activity ==
* USA, China, Germany, Spain, and India are very active in wind energy research.
[[Image:wind_geographical_act.png|center|thumb|700px|Geographical Activity]]