Strong and ambitious, the majestic Dragon soars high above the battlefields of the Keeper Wars, his wings carrying him above the battlefields. In his rightful place among the heavens he soars, until he is ready to deal with the troubles below in a more direct and fiery manner.
Enhance your ChiZo collection, or complete your set of the Noble Creatures by purchasing this stack of basic animal tiles. 婚纱摄影 Contains: 7 High Quality Basic Dragon Tiles (3” x 3”)
Tile Games ChiZo: Basic Snake Tile ChiZo: Basic Snake Tile
The enigmatic Snake employs wisdom and wit rather than brute strength to overcome difficulties in her path, making her a valuable ally and a most dangerous opponent.婚纱摄影
Enhance your ChiZo collection, or complete your set of the Noble Creatures by purchasing this stack of basic animal tiles.
Contains: 7 High Quality Basic Snake Tiles (3” x 3”)[ 婚纱摄影]
ChiZo: Basic Horse Tile ChiZo: Basic Horse Tile
The free-spirited Horse may be a little reserved by nature, but he moves quickly around the battlefields of the Keeper Wars and is a flexible and helpful companion.
Enhance your ChiZo collection, or complete your set of the Noble Creatures by purchasing this stack of basic animal tiles.