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[ 防静电地板]
Excerpted from the website:
北京安创中科机房设备有限公司,是从事 [ 防静电地板] 研发、生产、销售及机房工程设计 施工、设备安装及维 护的专业企业,中国电子协会防静电分会会员单位。 公司拥有一批高技术、高素质、富有创新精神的中青年科技人员,并有中科院专家、清华大学材料系教授担 任常年技术顾问,不断研发新型[ 防静电地板]及机房设备,保持产品先进性,不断提高产品质量。 公司在北京永丰高科技园区拥有一座现代化的生产基地,具备科学严谨的生产管理及质量控制体系,确保各 类产品达到国家相关标准,并均已通过信息产业部产品质量监督检测中心检测。同时与韩国 LG化学密切合作 ,全权代理代表世界领先技术的LG PVC防静电材料。 公司拥有一支技术精良、经验丰富的施工队伍,确保机房整体效果及防静电效能的最终实现。在国内率先推 出对防静电地板终身维护、维修、更换,为用户真正解除后顾之忧,已成为行业的新亮点。 在激烈的市场竞争中,安创人正是本着专攻、协作、开拓、诚信的企业精神,凭借质量第一、服务至上的企 业宗旨,赢得了广大用户的信赖,业务涉及电信、交通、军队、银行、学校、网络工程公司、建筑装饰公司 等众多企事业单位。 在中国与国际接轨的今天,安创人将通过不懈努力,引领中国机房建设的潮流、打造中国机房地板的旗舰, 中国[ 防静电地板]行业走向世界贡献一份力量,迎接更加光辉灿烂的明天。
Beijing Security Bureau Creation equipment room Limited, which is engaged in anti-static floor development, production, sales and room design and construction, equipment installation and maintenance of professional enterprises, the Chinese Electronics Association antistatic branch member units. The company possesses a number of high-tech, high-quality, innovative spirit of the young and middle-aged scientists, experts and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University professor in the Department of Materials perennial as technical adviser, constantly developing new anti-static floor and room equipment, maintaining the advanced nature, and constantly improve the quality of products. Yuen Foong Yu Paper Manufacturing Company in Beijing Hi-Tech Park has a modern production base, with a strict scientific production management and quality control system to ensure that all products meet relevant national standards, and have passed the Ministry of Information Industry Product Quality Supervision and Test Center detection. While South Korea's LG Chemical and close cooperation, full Acting on behalf of the world's leading technology LG PVC antistatic materials. The company has a very sophisticated technology, with rich experience in the construction team to ensure that the overall effect of room antistatic performance and the ultimate realization. The first in China to launch anti-static floor lifelong maintenance, repair, replacement, as worries about the real users, the industry has become a new bright spot. In the fierce market competition, on-founder It is in major and collaboration, development, the integrity of the spirit of enterprise, with the first quality, service-oriented company aims to win the trust of the majority of users, is involved in telecommunications, transportation, military, banks, schools, network engineering company , architectural features, such as large companies and institutions. China and the international community today, the Security Chong people will make unremitting efforts to lead the Chinese room building trends, build China's flagship room floor, antistatic flooring industry to contribute to a world power, ushering in a more brilliant future. "

中文 (Chinese)

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[ 防静电地板]
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