Last modified on 26 September 2007, at 02:10

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Description : Unreal reality. What do we apply onto architecture to make it our own? The magnets on the refrigerator tell a greater story about you than the wallpapers. Does the architecture have any value? We live in architecture but to this we must add belongings to make us feel at home. I present the clashes between北京监控公司 the world of Unreal and the world of Reality; but also the clash between everyday and design, seen in “the Swan”, taken to its extreme. As an architect I also feel the clash between everyday and architecture北京监控公司; illustrated here with the survey where my friends declare how they want to change their homes. Does architecture have any place beside the monument? 北京监控公司

Bio : “How am I as an architect goi北京监控公司ng to work with people?” Erik Apelmo takes us into the question about the relation between architecture and everyday reality. Attends the school of Architecture in Stockholm, work done for “AQ Arkitekter” and “Wester Design”. e北京监控公司