Last modified on 7 March 2017, at 05:04

Office Action Response

Revision as of 05:04, 7 March 2017 by Venkatram.a (Talk | contribs) (DAY 1)

Overview of Drafting an office action response

Overview of Drafting Response

  • Note:The prosecution data sheet is a brief of the proposed amendment/argument which is sent to the client attorney. This process may be adapted according to client needs.

Dolcera Workflow


Phases Of Drafting An Office Action Response


Phase 1


Phase 2

Dolcera - Internal process and timeline



  • Receive feedback from Client Attorney on the prosecution data sheet*
  • The Analyst starts to prepare the Office Action response draft based on the received feedback


  • The Analyst prepares the Office Action response draft and shares it with the Senior Analyst
  • The Senior Analyst reviews the response draft and sends the response draft to the Client Attorney

  • Note:Preparing a prosecution data sheet is optional. Dolcera can send the office action response draft to the client without preparing the prosecution data sheet. The process can be adapted according to the client needs.

Office Action Samples

  • The wiki links given below are office action samples prepared by Dolcera as part of the team training process.

Office Action Sample 1- 14/801,964

Office Action Sample 1- 14801964

Office Action Sample 2- 14/782,783

Office Action Sample 2- 14782783