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Dashboard Technical Specifications

875 bytes added, 03:39, 12 April 2012
/* Deployment Architecture */
The Dolcera Dashboard is an interactive web application used to:
# Organize large quantities of patent, scientific and product literature
# Manage patent management and review workflows
# Assist in collaboration with colleagues and partners around the world
# Help technology teams, patent counsels, and key decision makers in monitoring the competitive landscaping and finding key partners
* ''Dashboard'': The online application used to view and manage patents, product information, and scientific literature
* ''Charts'': A set of graphs that can be viewed within the dashboard and exported in image or PDF formats
* ''Data'':
* ''Export''
* ''Assignee''
* ''Inventor''
* ''Publication Year''
* ''Application Year''
* ''Priority Year''
* ''Taxonomy''
* ''Category Statistics''
* ''Title''
* ''Abstract''
* ''Claims''
* ''Rating''
* ''Tags''
* ''Granted Patent''
* ''Patent Application''
* ''PCT Patent''
* ''EP Patent''
* ''US Class''
* ''IPC Class''
In a A typical use case, the dashboard workflow is used as followsdescribed below:
# Log into the system [[Image:login.png|thumb|center|500px||Login screen]]
# Select the dashboard (workfile) [[Image:Dashboard_Select.png|thumb|center|500px||Select dashboard]]
# Create categories (taxonomy) [[Image:Taxonomy_Add.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Add taxonomy categories]]# Add patents [[Image:Patents_Add.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Add patents]]# Review charts [[Image:Charts.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Review charts]]# Review patents [[Image:Patents.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Review patents]]# Search patents [[Image:Search.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Search patents]]# Tag patents [[Image:PatentsTag.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Review Tag patents]]# Add review notes for patents [[Image:PatentsNotes.png|thumthumb|center|500px501px|Review patentsPatent notes]]# Export patents and analysis [[Image:Export.png|thumthumb|center|500px|Export patents]]
==Deployment Architecture==
[[Image:Deployment Architecture.png|thumb|center|502px700px|Dolcera Dashboard Deployment Architecture]]
==Hardware Requirements==
* Ethernet card
* Minimum memory configuration: 8GB DDR3 RAM
* Minimum disk requirement: 4TB 2TB hard disk
===Database Server===
===Software Installation===
====Database Server====
The following steps should be performed by a database administrator:
# Configure the database server with the appropriate database version (specified in the [[#Software Requirements|Software Requirements]] section)
# Download the Dolcera Dashboard database setup files ( to the database server from the location provided by the Dolcera representative
# Unzip the files in a folder of your choice (e.g. /tmp folder)
# Create a new database named "''dolcera" '' # Run the file dolcera_dashboard_setup.sql to set up create the tables and other database# The objects: the setup script will create the database, also populate the master data for the database, and create a ''dolcerauser '' with privileges to change the data in the database, but not to alter the database; this user account will be used by the web application
====Web Application Server====
# Download the Dolcera Dashboard installation package ( to the web application server from the location provided by the Dolcera representative
# Unzip the folder in any directory (e.g. /tmp)
# Install Move the dolcera_dashboard_vm folder to the virtual machines folder on the web application server (e.g. /var/lib/vmware)# Create a new vmware virtual machine instance for the Dolcera Dashboard on a # Point the new vmware virtual machine instance to the dolcera_dashboard_vm folder of your choice on # Set the network preferences for the virtual machine to bridged networking# Launch the new virtual machine# Log in with the root password supplied by the Dolcera representative# Change the database IP address setting as appropriate in the /srv/httpd/htdocs/dashboard/config/config.ini file# Assign a fixed IP address for the vmware instance and note this IP address# Once the software installation is complete, log into the web application server:#* URL: http://''ipaddress_of_web_application_server''/auth/#* Username: admin#* Password: admin (you will be able to change the password thereafter)
===Configuration ParametersSetting up the Environment===Once the software installation is complete, log * Log into the application:URL: http://localhost/auth/as an administrator as described aboveUsername: admin* Click on the link to the "Admin Interface"Password: admin (you will be able * Create a new project* Create a new group and assign the project to this group* Create a new user and assign this user to the new group* Create a new dashboard and add the dashboard to change the password thereafter)project
===Setting up Users===
===Best Practices===
====Server Setup====# Latest database The vmware virtual machine based installation of the web application server is designed for ease of installation and management# If vmware is not preferred, a different installer will be provided to run the web application directly on the server patchesoperating system# Database backup Apply the latest database and recovery optionsoperating system patches on the servers#Change the admin password at regular intervals  # Set up the database for backup on a nightly basis==FAQ==User Management====# Remove users once they leave the company # Assign access to dashboard workfiles to users individually# Limit the access for the administrator role